Wednesday 23 January 2013

Take your giraffe to work day!

Alex loves the fact that Uncle Jaime works on planes or as Alex says own's "jets". Tiptop loves jets as well and enjoyed seeing a little bit of what crewcheifs do on a daily basis.

Making sure everyone is doing the job right!
 Time to tow the jet.
 Crazy Eric is gonna crash this tow truck!
 Climbing up the jet.
 Brake riding!

Missile. Check!

All Clear!

Playoff time!

Jaime invited the guys over for some football and drinks. Of course Tiptop got carried away!
Oh no! San Fran might score!


Snow Angels!

Tiptop ready to make a snow angel.

EEEEEE....he had a blast!

Such a ham!

Sunday 20 January 2013

Grocery Shopping....

Silly guy trying to drive!

Much better! Buckled up for safety!

Tiptop trying to play hide and seek! Gotcha!


Snow Day!

Definitely a lot colder than Orlando!

Enjoying the snow but REALLY missing my buddy Alex!

Saturday 19 January 2013

Made it to England and made a new Bestie!

 New Bestfriends!

England Bound!

Fro-yo before we leave the hospital!

Bags are packed, ready to go!

Up, up and up!

Kinda nervous for the 8 hour flight.

Are we there yet?


 The Ronald McDonald House has been so good to us!

Ready to hit the road....

Too lazy to walk!

In need of a short break.

Whaaaat. Three little pigs!

Hey, how did Tiptop climb the castle?

At the hospital...

Tiptop went with Alex to the hospital to keep him company and cheer him up!
He is hamming it up with the nurses!
Little guy catching some zzzzzz's.

Alex tucking his friends in.
Tiptop and his buddies!

Tiptop with baby Alex

Alex metTiptop when he was just a few months old and the two have been inseparable!